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Quickly Removing Hundreds of Corroded Carriage Bolts with a Hydraulic Nut Splitter and Cordless Pump


Sunbreak Vineyard Services


Sonoma, CA


Hundreds of vineyard line posts needed to be disassembled and removed. Many of the nuts had rusted onto the carriage bolt holding the vineyard trellis arms. Unbolting them was very time consuming, and faster removal methods such as grinding or torches were dangerous and posed fire hazards.


An XC cordless pump and NS-Series nut splitter were used to quickly and safely remove the carriage bolts from the line posts. The portable solution allowed Sunbreak Vineyard to complete the job in days versus weeks.

Robert Burney, Owner of Sunbreak Vineyard Services said the hydraulic solution delivered was, "Fast, easy, and safe. No sparks, no burns, nothing flying off at workers or dry grass. Entirely satisfactory."


XC Pompa senza fili, NS Cesoie